Another Theory To Help You With Your Life
Behaving like a depressed person will make you depressed.

I was really psyched about finally having a week all to myself. Sleep in, shuffle around all day in pajamas, lie on the couch alternately reading and watching TV, then shuffle to the computer and sit there for several hours. Eat a lot.
For the first day it was luxurious and lovely. By the second day I was getting antsy. Four days later and I was crawling the walls and feeling completely useless. Yet somehow, despite having nothing to do, the simplest tasks went undone.
Turtle the First's birthday present still sits in a box at my feet, unmailed. Two disposable cameras from my trip to Chicago have not been dropped off at the camera store for development. Bills need to be paid and phone calls made.
But "Judging Amy" is back-to-back on TNT. I'm mesmerized.