File This Under What An F*ing Tragedy
I've just read
this article about how the FDA is outlawing traditional asthma inhalers because they are CFC-powered. Lots of patients are having trouble with the new inhalers, which don't work as well and need to be cleaned regularly.
Talk about distraction.
Major corporate interests can keep pumping tons of pollution into the air, water, and earth. Builders can clear-cut trees. Our government can stay in their pockets. But people can't get the life-saving medication they need.
I'm as in favor of individual responsibility and consumer power as the next (informed, fired up, and terribly attractive) gal, but all this "simple ways to save the environment" hoo-ha is NOT ENOUGH. Attention must be turned to the big earth-killers, and it's gotta be now.
For more on this subject, check out this book:

...and stay alert.
Dear Hillary,

Girl, I feel you. I have totally been there before. And even though I'm loath to recommend any book purported to instruct women on how to behave, I'd like you to just riffle through that book by those annoying
Sex and the City people.
Because Hillary, we're just not that into you.
It's not because we're just getting out of an 8-year commitment or we don't want to ruin the friendship. We aren't too intimidated and we aren't too busy to call.
We are a little afraid to get hurt again. But that's not really the point here, Hil. You are better than this. It's getting awkward. We're with someone else. Seriously, stop calling.
Attention Home Owners
The answer is:
Something you wish someone had told you when you were looking to buy a house.
What's the question?