10 Ls
Lulu's general tag of 10 favorite things starting with the first letter of my middle name seemed fun.
Lionesses--I had a poster of one resting in a field of wildflowers hanging over my bed when I was little. I found it comforting and felt like it watched over me. Still not sure about a god, but big cats are damn cool.
Lip balm--especially if it makes my lips shiny. I don't like the taste of lipstick and gloss comes off too quickly.
Letters--getting them more so than writing them, lazy girl that I am, but I still have boxes full of them from the days before e-mail made it harder to sift the dedicated friendships from the casual.
London--it was there that I learned independence. I still miss the Docs, Wagamama, and takeaway baked potato.
Laughing--a friend once said it was similar to orgasm: losing consciousness (and inhibition) momentarily. Even more than laughing myself, I like making other people laugh. Try not to extend the metaphor too much...
Learning--In education they talk about "life-long learning" so much it's made the phrase meaningless, but the best people realize that they are always teaching and learning, with all its triumphs and humility, and embrace it.
Lightning--especially over the ocean.
Leaving--in the sense of the moments at the beginning of a trip. One of my favorite places is in the airport, waiting for my flight to be called and watching all the people, or sitting in a loaded-down car, with the map spread out across our laps.
Lunch--eating is good, especially when it is a break from the students, a meeting with an old friend to catch up, or an excuse to stand in front of the refrigerator on a lazy Saturday, which I've been doing all morning anyway.
Laziness--remaining prone and warm with a book or remote in hand, steaming tea nearby, and snow piling up outside while the bag of ungraded papers sits cold in another room... heavenly.
If you haven't played yet, do it! Stick with the middle name tag; I like it.