Jessica Rabbit's Other Half

"Seriously, what do you see in that guy?"
I have not left the blog world, just been absent. Still don't have Internet in my new apartment, and Big Brother at work has been making threats, so I am limited in my access. A lot has been percolating, but first I wanted to follow through on my promised tribute to
Bloggers Who Make Me Laugh
There's a reason he's my crush, OK? I regularly laugh out loud at CP's take.
Read her "About Me" and you will understand.
My favorites are when she reenacts conversations and when she gets irked.
He's not only funny, but also poignant. Better than Cats!
Hopefully, soon I'll be back, with a diatribe against my ex-landlord, among other things. Miss you. Thanks for checking back.
Jessica Rabbit Only Got It Half Right

Aw shucks, I am blushing. My biggest blog crush,
Coaster Punchman, has included me in his
Thinking Blogger Award list. So now it is my turn to shout out to those I love to read partially because they feed my inferiority complex about my own intelligence.
Beyond the SelfMakes me think about: Social justice and radical activism
I admire him because: He has no fear
I feel inferior because: I have fear
You might like to know that: He is one of the funniest damn people ever, and one of the nicest, even though he looks like he might snap and attack at any moment
Jersey Aikido Girl,
...there's no place like the Turnpike (formerly known as KY Transplant)
Makes me think about: My childhood, being a nerd, weird people, lots of stuff
I admire her because: She is left-brained AND right-brained
I feel inferior because: She is left-brained AND right-brained
You might like to know that: We shared a house in college, and she was the one who mowed the lawn and got after us to pick up stuff off the floor. Could take you down with one of her hugs, even
before she learned how to flip you over her head
Cantankerous Consumer,
Not Made In China: A One Year Self Imposed BoycottMakes me think about: The impact of the choices we make, even the ones that seem little
I admire her because: She is uncompromising in her beliefs
I feel inferior because: Sometimes I compromise when I know I shouldn't
You might like to know that: She is my BFF, and along with JAG, recently returned to the East Coast! Woo hoo! At the lowest points in my life she appears with sushi and daquiris and it all gets a little easier
By & ByMakes me think about: History, Politics, Teaching
I admire her because: I've always considered myself a closet History teacher
I feel inferior to her because: She can argue so eloquently about politics
You might like to know that: She is the only person on this list with whom I do not have an outside-the-blogworld relationship
The Mad LensMakes me think about: Language, its delightfulness and power
I admire him because: His mind works so quickly and bends in ways I haven't considered
I feel inferior to him because: His mind works so quickly
You might like to know that: He is the dreamiest boy ever
OK smarties, here are the rules:
1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think.
2. Link to
this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme.
3. Optional: Proudly display the ‘Thinking Blogger Award’ and a link to the post that you wrote.
(I will be following up with a post on Bloggers Who Make Me Laugh because Jessica Rabbit did have a very good point.)