Lest You Think, After That Last Post, That I'm All Deep And Stuff

Here's the dream I had last night:
I had to break into some high-security facility,
Alias-style, wearing snugly-fitting black combat gear. It was dangerous and the patrolling guards had orders to shoot on sight. I snuck past the retina scanner on the back of a cleaning woman.
In the records room, I discovered a locker full of videotapes of my childhood performances. Everything from my third-grade portrayal of Mrs. Claus through my last high school show, meticulously labeled. In manila envelopes were detailed maps of my family tree.
A guard busted in and I grabbed him and slammed him against the wall. "What are you doing with this?" I shook the papers in his face. "Tell me!" He wasn't talking, but seemed intimidated. I kicked ass!
Hm. Maybe that one is deep too.