Mesopotamia, If You Will

In a recent discussion about the best place to move in order to be able buy the most locally (I'm focusing on food here, but what else is new), I proposed Costa Rica. It has so many different
ecosystems within its relatively small acreage and when
I was there, we had fruits and meats and rice and beans in such remote places, that I assume with no other research that it is the best option. Plus I liked it.
A. asked me if I had considered The Fertile Cresent. I immediately accused him of suggesting it only because it includes the word "fertile." Then I tried to maintain the theoretical basis of the discussion as I imagined myself moving somewhere that is regularly described as "war-torn."
No one describes Arizona as "war-torn." I haven't been to Arizona. I haven't done any research about ecosystems in Arizona. But when I think about what it takes to get all those fruits and meats and rice and beans to Arizona, it seems really rather selfish that anyone moves there.