Wonderturtle Adopts Ed Begley, Jr.

Some people around the blogworld have been putting up cute posts about "adopting" a character actor. They post a picture, and explain why this actor is underappreciated. I can't tell whether these posts are meant to be ironic. I can't decide that about this post either.
I hereby adopt Ed Begley, Jr.
Since Ed first came to my attention as Ruth's tool of a boyfriend on "Six Feet Under," I have harbored an inexplicable affection--some might say attraction--toward him. Imagine my delight when I realized, upon doing some research, that he was That Guy in most of Christopher Guest's mockumentaries and apparently, according to
his website, starred in a 1977 feature called "Lust of a Eunuch."
I'm a little concerned about Ed's
need for adoption. He bills himself on his website as "Actor and Activist," and has his own line of cleaning products called
Begley's Best. He has also written
a musical, and has his own
TV show and a hot wife.

However, his That Guy status was recently confirmed when
Anthemsled denied all knowledge of him. The fact that Anthemsled refers to all brown-haired actresses as
Bebe Neuwirth in no way detracts from the value of this evidence.
Ed may not need me, but I need him. Consider "In Her Shell" his new adoptive home.