The Trappings of Adulthood
Here is a picture of a room in my new apartment.
When I show people these pictures, they usually comment on the nice hardwood floors. I like them too. But today I started thinking about that term--hardwood floors--and wondering if there is such a thing as softwood floors. Then I wondered why we don't just call them wood floors. Or bare wood floors.
I added "hardwood floors" to my list of adult vocabulary. Other words in this category include "mortgage," "taxes," and "mileage." It is not as frightening a list as some of my friends have, with terms like "breast pump," but still. It's weird.
And even though just recently I extolled
the virtues of turning 30, and even though I would not want to return to the days of "the mall," and "the Prom," it might be kind of nice to have more conversations that revolve around "treats" and "coming over to play."
(But here's another picture of my new apartment, because it's artsy.)